Cost of Class $20 Per Class
Only 8 Seats in the Class

Will be teaching in Stream Yards
Saturdays, 8:30pm Est
(Look Below for the Class Dates)

Please Send Geo an Email to:
Letting her know you sign up and Paid.
Geo will use that email to send you the Streamyard Link!

Pay Using Paypal email:
Log into your paypal and send money to email above
For a Descrption use these words:

Pay Using Chime: $geomonroe

Pay Using Cashapp: $geomonroe

Schedule of Classes and Topics
You Must Know How to Copy and Paste

First Class 1 hour January 20, 2024 at 8:30pm Est - What is Affiliate Marketing and How You Make Money!

Second Class 1 Hour January 27, 2024 at 8:30pm Est -  You will pick an Affiliate Marketing Busisness or If you have one already you would like to promote! 2nd Half of the class - Talk about How to write an ad for your Affiliate Marketing Business or your Home Business.

Third Class 1 Hour Februay 3, 2024
at 8:30pm Est - Show you how to market in Safelist and Super Solos to Thousands of people!

Fourth Class 1 Hour, February 10, 2024
8:30pm Est - Questions and Answers, How To, Making sure you are doing everything correctly.

Thank You Much - Geo Monroe